O retorno do audio à educação a distância
No EDEN Annual Conference 2009 que se realizou em Gdansk, ficou claro o ressurgimento do aúdio à educação a distância, deste vez sob a forma de Podcast.
Proponho a leitura de um artigo postado no blog oficial do evento:
"The subject which is aspecially interesting to me. Podcast. The team from Leicester University talked about how they use podcast in their teaching practise. Nice one.
They have proposed three types of podcast: presentation and assessment, feedback and transition ones.
What was really interesting - they use podcast as an addition to the on-line or blended courses for delivering: current news, planning and feedback and humor".
Postado em 15 de junho de 2009 por Joao Jose Saraiva da Fonseca
Proponho a leitura de um artigo postado no blog oficial do evento:
"The subject which is aspecially interesting to me. Podcast. The team from Leicester University talked about how they use podcast in their teaching practise. Nice one.
They have proposed three types of podcast: presentation and assessment, feedback and transition ones.
What was really interesting - they use podcast as an addition to the on-line or blended courses for delivering: current news, planning and feedback and humor".
Postado em 15 de junho de 2009 por Joao Jose Saraiva da Fonseca