Esta é um reflexão sobre "El maestro" enquanto "innovador tecnológico" a partir da intervenção de Eduardo Villanueva Mansilla no V Congresso de Educared. Na apresentação, Mansilla remete para a obra de James Paul Gee "What Video Games Have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy" e especialmente aos 36 elementos que fazem ou deveriam fazer parte de um bom jogo e que são, ao mesmo tempo, 36 motivos "porque buenos videojuegos generan mejores condiciones de aprerndizaje que la mayoria de las escuelas que tenemos hoy". 1) Active, Critical Learning Principle All aspects of the the learning environment (including ways in which the semiotic domain is designed and presented) are set up to encourage active and critical, not passive, learning 2) Design Principle Learning about and coming to appreciate design and design principles is core to the leaning experience 3) Semiotic Principle Learning about and coming to appreciate interrelations wit...