
Future Learningscapes: a 21st Century Challenge

O evento Future Learningscapes: a 21st Century Challenge For more than 20 years we have been promised that technology will transform living, learning and working practices – has that time arrived? In the first decade of the 21st century has society changed, are we learning differently – do we think differently – where will the journey take us next? In the past quarter century, devices with incredible computational power that connect to a worldwide network have become smaller to the point of being slipped into a pocket or clipped to a belt. They are multi-functional; providing a means of communicating in real time and asynchronously, capturing multi- megapixel images and video with sound, organising one’s life, connecting to one another privately and publicly through a myriad of applications, enabling the instant publishing of an event from anywhere in the world live at the touch of a button. We use them for work, learning and play – no longer just a ‘must-have’ device but becoming an e...

Desafios ao open, flexible and distance learning

Entre os desafios apontados na 23rd ICDE World Conference and the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference para o open, flexible and distance learning estiveram: learning by all distance learning institutions. Quality must be assured and demonstrated in measurable ways to ensure that learners acquire the knowledge they need and to reassure stakeholders of this. Mobility: Internationalization is a hallmark of 21st century learning. This should ensure not only an understanding of the wider world, but also that credentials are portable and recognized across the world. Virtual mobility initiatives can increase access to educational mobility in cost effective ways. Private/Public Responsibility: In many countries over 90% of learning is through private not for profit and/or for profit agencies. What is the appropriate mix of public and private responsibilities for learning? What are effective business models? How can national capacity be developed to ensure service to the public? Technical Infrastr...

Qualidade do uso dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

Becta's Schools website publica uma interessante reflexão sobre a qualidade do uso dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Apresento um resumo das principais preocupações do site. Make the best use of your learning platform Themes The following are some of the main areas you will need to consider when developing the use of your learning platform. Within these pages you will find video case studies, including commentaries by senior leaders about their approaches: Learning platform challenges: Monitoring and Assessment Learning platforms are ideal for monitoring and assessing the progress of individual pupils, or the whole class. Students can also use the learning platform for self-assessment. Teachers can use student feedback to review understanding and inform lesson planning. Independent research has shown that where schools are making good use of institutional technologies, such as their learning platforms, they can provide more effective tutorial support between teacher and stude...

Learning Forum 2010 - London

Realizou-se este mês em Londres o Learning Forum 2010. Destaco alguns dos temas chave tratados. Key Competencies 2010 themes The following list is indicative of issues and topics authors might want to address in the different conference tracks. Contents 1.KC1— Key competencies policies 2.KC2 — Key competencies for active citizenship 3.KC3 — Key competencies for employability and economic innovation 4.KC4 — Key competencies development 5.KC5 — Key competencies recognition and accreditation KC1— Key competencies policies The objective of this track is to explore the policies that are being adopted for the acquisition and improvement of key competencies. One of the key issues should be the impact of those policies. •Issues: what are differences between key competencies, key skills, essential skills and core skills? How to get the commitment of key stake-holders? The role of key competencies in social inclusion and lifelong learning. Benchmark of regional, national and sectoral policies. •...

Instrumento de avaliação para reconhecimento de Cursos Pedagogia

A Portaria nº 808, de 18 de junho de 2010, aprova o instrumento de avaliação para reconhecimento de Cursos Pedagogia, no âmbito do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior - SINAES. Os critérios de avaliação para avaliação com 5 são: Dimensão 1: Organização didático-pedagógica do Curso 1. Perfil do Egresso O perfil do egresso está plenamente coerente, prioritariamente, como professor da educação infantil e dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental e complementarmente com a pesquisa na área educacional, a gestão de processos educativos e da organização e funcionamento de sistemas e instituições de ensino. 2. Objetivos do curso Os objetivos do curso estão plenamente adequados, considerando os aspectos: coerência com o perfil do egresso; prioridade na formação do professor para a educação infantil e os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental; pesquisa na área educacional; gestão de processos educativos e da organização e funcionamento de sistemas e instituições de ensino....