Especial sobre a internet no brasil, na BBC

A rádio estatal britânica BBC, preparou um especial sobre a Internet no Brasil.

O programa teve o nome Digital Planeta e a duração de 26mins 30secs tendo sido emitido dia 30 de setembro.

A apresentação do programa refere:
"A special edition of Digital Planet from our BBC studio in São Paulo in Brazil with presenter Gareth Mitchell and studio expert Bill Thompson down the line in the UK."

Links para trechos do programa:

Surfing in Brazil Brazilians spend more time online at home than any other nationality. Gareth visits a LAN house, or internet café, to find out about surfing Brazilian style.

Google's Orkut social network Which social networking site is the most popular in Brazil - Facebook, MySpace or Bebo?

It's actually Google's Orkut. Gareth drops in on the firm's Latin America R&D boss. But has Orkut been a victim of its own success?

Electronic voting Brazil claims to have the world's most sophisticated electronic voting system.
This week Brazil goes to the polls in local elections. Digital Planet's Michelle Martin elects to try out these digital ballot boxes.

Brazil's digital planet Despite Brazil's enthusiasm for technology, around two thirds of its population have yet to use the internet.

Gareth meets the government's top technology adviser to hear how he plans to bridge the country's digital divide.

This programme was produced in association with the Open University.

Postado por João José Saraiva da Fonseca em 05 de outubro de 2008


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