Distance education theory and theorists

"Theory and Theorists"

The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research

Le quatrième « atelier de recherche » du réseau European Distance and E-
learning Network (EDEN), sur le thème « Recherches sur l’enseignement à distance
en ligne et sur le e-learning : créer la différence » s’est tenu à Castelldefels, Espagne, du 25 au 26 octobre 2006.

Contribuição de Michael G. Moore

The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research

Holmberg Moore Peters
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: holmberg moore)

Apresentacao em Power Point:
The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research

Contribution of Börje Holmberg

Borje Holmberg
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: holmberg distance)

Postado em 31 de dezembro de 2008 por João José Saraiva da Fonseca


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