eFront - LMS alternativo

O eFront apresenta-se como alternativa aos Sistema de Gerenciamento da Aprendizagem (LMS) atualmente mais utilizados como por exemplo o Moodle.

Tem, a princípio, as mesmas funcionalidades que o Moodele, é open-source, gratuito, modular e tem suporte à língua portuguesa do Brasil.


Postado por João José Saraiva da Fonseca em 16 de dezembro de 2008

De acordo com a WIKIPEDIA:

eFront - eLearning and Human Capital Development

Website efrontlearning.net

eFront is an open source e-learning platform (also known as a Course Management System (CMS), or Learning Management Systems (LMS), or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)).

eFront is designed to help create online courses with opportunities for rich interaction. eFront offers a distinctive icon-based user interface that is intuitive to use. The platform offers a wide range of features from content creation, test builder, project management, extended statistics, internal messaging system, forum, chat, surveys and more. It is a SCORM compliant and certified system [1]. Several features of the platform (e.g., skills management, organization structure) make it suitable for inner organization usage, especially at HRM departments. eFront is a multilingul platform offered in 23 languages.

eFront's visually attractive css based design and usability sits atop a modern technology stack (object oriented, Ajax, etc) supporting a number of features:

•User management
Standard and custom user roles can be used or created depending on your needs
•Lessons, courses and categories
Organize lessons at multiple conceptual levels called categories. Bundle several lessons inside a course
•Content editors
eFront includes a flexible visual content editor and internal support for pictures, sound, video, flash or java
•File manager & digital library
Upload, organise, use and share files with any other system user
•Test builders
Create tests by assembling questions from a question pool. Several types of questions can be created, used and re-used
•Scorm support
eFront is a SCORM compatible and certified platform. SCORM content can be imported or exported from the system
Assign projects with deadlines to end-users and track their progress
Create, share and analyze responses from people inside or outside your organization
Do you like high-level reports or you prefer a more detailed specific user or lesson info. Everything is included!
•Access Rules
Restrict or guide the users through the content
•Progress tracking
Several visual indications guide the user through the lesson and his current progress
Out-of-the-box eFront includes support for forum, chat, calendar, personal messages, file sharing and user-comments on topics
All glossary items are silently merged with the real content
Build and issue your own certifications
•Customization & usability
Drag and drop components, select a new theme or the active components for your lesson. eFront is an elegant and flexible solution that does not look outdated
Search for anything, anyone and anywhere inside the system
Unicode support and full language administration module. Adding a new language is easy!
The administrator is still a human. eFront puts the same special care on his interface as well.
•Security and access control
Features like LDAP support or ip restriction helps building a secure and open system
Want more? eFront can be expanded using small, or not that small, functional components called Modules!

Postado por João José Saraiva da Fonseca em 16 de dezembro de 2008


Prezado João José:

Não pude deixar de notar que seu texto sobre o eFront é "semelhante" (em cerca de 90%) ao que escrevi no grupo de EaD do qual faço parte.
Que bom que está "espalhando" a idéia, mas poderia ter um creditozinho, não?

Oi Paulo

para que não restem dúvidas, tomei a liberdade de transcrever a sua
intervenção original na lista EADBR.


Em minhas "andanças" pelos mares digitais, encontrei uma ÓTIMA
alternativa ao polêmico Moodle.
Tem, a princípio, as mesmas funcionalidades, é open-source, gratuito, modular
e tem suporte à língua portuguesa do Brasil.


Recomendo fortemente uma instalaçãozinha em uma sandbox, para testes.

Foi o que fiz ontem...

Dou nota 9.8/10!

É uma EXCELENTE alternativa, ainda mais se tiver uma equipe de
programadores em sua instituição.

Se não tiver, contrate meus serviços... :)


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