
The Learnovation project is running a public European Consultation about Learnovation imperatives for change in education and lifelong learning beyond 2010.

The Learnovation project, supported by the Lifelong learning Programme of the European Commission, has produced statements that indicate what should be done to improve European education and lifelong learning systems and to make them more innovative, creative and effective.

- Increase focus on learning processes and attitudes

Disciplinary contents are important, but more focus should be put on explaining and demonstrating processes such as problem solving, self assessment, information search and filtering, team work, evaluation, etc., ♦ to develop higher level competences and to root learning in a context and add meaning ICT may help to make each of these processes more effective and efficient.

- Re-integrate education into real life
* Education curricula and teaching/learning practice should come closer to societal needs and the habits of digital natives.

- Encourage diversity in learning processes

Diversity of learners (including their e-competences) should not be seen as a hindering factor but rather an asset for peer learning.

- Ensure that assessment supports learning

Examination practice should be changed in order to allow: ♦ Differentiation of learning paths ♦ Review and recognition of skills and competences developed This would introduce substantial room for innovation in contents and methods.

- Enhance the innovation capacity of teacher training systems

Teachers training should include creative and innovative approaches to teaching/learning able to develop the motivation to learn and the joy of learning in future lifelong learners.

- Encourage all forms of learning in the workplace

Working and learning overlap in the knowledge society. The organisations should develop a climate supportive to open ways of learning which takes into consideration the motivation of both the learner and the organisation.

- Embed learning into change

Organisational needs cannot be solely addressed by knowledge-based solutions; problems and opportunities for organisations should be addressed by project work, peer learning, experience exchange and informal learning, all of which can be supported by ICT. eLearning should be conceived as a means to support performance and accelerate transformation.

- Celebrate and recognise learning achievements

Recognising the value of prior learning achievements both formal and informal in the workplace will encourage further learning. Learning should not be considered as only qualifications or as hierarchical levels. European reference tools like the EQF could be helpful in this respect.

- Remember diversity and differentiation of learning needs and styles

The knowledge, competences, attitudes and values required in contemporary work places are diverse and differentiated. This should not be forgotten when optimistic positions are expressed on the potential of Web 2.0 forms of learning to make Lifelong Learning a reality for all.

- Encourage informal learning beyond the limits of one organisation

Inter-organisational (i.e.: supply chain networks) and extra-organisational networks of people are gaining importance in continuing learning. Validation of such learning should be developed.

- Do not forget the bottom line

Celebrate and recognise the contribution of learning to the strategic goals of the organisation where performance, innovation and success measures are met and / or exceeded.

- Integrate ICT discourse into the broader European HE discourse (incl. LLL and Bologna process

- Make sure quality assurance processes require innovation

Quality assurance systems must become able to assess and reward innovation and structurally open to evolution of practice in teaching and learning involving different categories of learners

- Exploit the potential of ICT as enabler of quality enhancement, of innovation and of equity

The Bologna process should pay more attention to ICT potential to accompany and accelerate the desired innovation lines of higher education, including the pending issues of equity and access.

- Use the potential of virtual mobility to democratise access HE on a (inter-)national level

Virtual mobility should no longer be seen as a poor substitute of classic students mobility, but as a complementary and powerful way to allow to study internationally to practically all higher education students and to consolidate relationship among H.E. institutions of different countries, also beyond the borders of the European Union.

- Support the integration of informal learning using social networking technologies while avoiding institutional invasion of student space

New forms of learning - autonomously and through social networking - should be considered and valued by H.E. institutions, but attempts to control and absorb them into institutional learning environments may be counterproductive and discourage self-regulated learning and informal peer support.

- Stimulate the development of relevant, innovative curricula and develop appropriate indicators

- Bring informal learning into the policy spectrum

Lifelong Learning for all citizens may become a reality earlier than foreseen thanks to new ways of ICT-supported and socially-networked informal learning: policies at all levels should acknowledge this potential and act consequently.

- Address quality issues in informal learning, but respect its specificity

Informal learning and the recognition of its value poses some problems of reliability of sources and quality of processes, but learners quality literacy is probably a better approach than formal quality assurance to respect the spontaneous and differently structured learning models in place.

- Make recognition of informal learning outcomes a reality for all

Recognising learning achievements is a powerful way to motivate people to learn further: the implementation of the European Qualification Framework is a great opportunity to address the issue and set up generalised approaches and facilities to do so. The role of ICT-supported devices (ePortfolios, personal learning environments, social reputation systems, etc.) should not be underestimated to this purpose.

- Help teachers and trainers to recognise and respect the value of informal learning

Teachers and trainers should be supported in using the potential of informal learning to complement and enrich the “institutional” teaching and learning process and in recommending learners ways to do so autonomously.

- Campaign for learning

Lifelong Learning could become the flagship initiative for a creative and innovative Europe: awareness of citizens, organisations and communities should be raised through mass media campaigns and concrete incentives should be provided to engagement in learning.

- Rescue research on education and Lifelong Learning from a marginal position and connect it to practice

The role of educational research should not be underestimated in producing the necessary change in learning systems and their governance models, although education and lifelong learning research needs a refreshed agenda and a better capacity to dialogue with all its stakeholders.

- Establish more connections among the different areas of Lifelong Learning

From a learner’s perspective the institutional separation among school, VET, higher Education, adult learning makes little sense: a really integrated system of Lifelong Learning opportunities should be a common policy aim across Europe.

- Provide more evidence to policy making, but choose indicators that relate to creativity and innovation, not only conformance

Developing indicators and benchmarks for policy makers in an important achievement of the Lisbon strategy, but the risk should be avoided to focus only on those aspects that are easier to be measured, and more attention should be paid to innovation aspects.

- Face openly the issue of relevance of current learning provision: change is urgent

There are many good reasons why change in institutional education may not be too quick, and stakeholders’ concerns is one of them. However, the generalised perception of decreasing relevance of education should leave nobody indifferent: Europe needs learning systems which are closer to societal needs and encourage creativity and innovation, and it needs them now.

Proponho também a leitura das conclusões do The Learnovation Open Forum entitled "Removing the barriers to creativity and innovation? realizado em 27 May 2009 in Brussels. Do evento resultaram “10 imperatives for change” to make European education and lifelong learning a lever for innovation.

Postado em 09 de agosto por 2009 por Joao Jose Saraiva da Fonseca


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