A lista dos mais ricos do YouTube de 2022


Apesar da crescente popularidade de plataformas rivais de criação de conteúdo, como TikTok, Instagram e Twitch, o YouTube ainda é o rei.  É o segundo site mais visitado na internet (depois do Google) e possui 14,3 bilhões de visitas por mês, o que é mais do que o Facebook e a Wikipedia.

 694.000 horas de vídeo são transmitidas na plataforma a cada minuto.

Desde 2007, os criadores de conteúdo podem obter receita com a plataforma, e isso inspirou uma geração de criadores de conteúdo que usaram a plataforma para ganhar a vida.  Em 2019, uma pesquisa descobriu que um terço das crianças entre 8 e 12 anos aspirava ser YouTuber quando crescesse.

 Embora possa não ser tão lucrativo quanto parece, ainda existem quase 400.000 americanos ganhando a vida com a plataforma.  Para saber quais YouTubers ganham mais na plataforma, a CashNetUSA analisou canais em todos os países.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

The 2022 YouTube Rich List Despite the growing popularity of rival content creation platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Twitch, YouTube is still king. It is the second-most visited website on the internet (after Google) and boasts 14.3 billion visits per month, which is more than Facebook and Wikipedia.

Conferiu a lista dos YouTubers mais ricos de 2022! 

Qual o tipo de canal que você acha que ficou em primeiro lugar? Qual a distribuição dos diferentes tipos de canais por países?

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